The project "ArtXchange: connecting creative youth in Africa and Europe" aims at improving the inclusion, empowerment and connection of young people in the creative sector in Africa (Kenya and Somalia) and Europe (Italy and Sweden), enhancing the potential of creative industries in promoting sustainable development, job creation, income opportunities and social inclusion. ArtXchange involves young creative professionals, youth organisations and civil society, promoting collaboration, capacity building and exchanges among target countries.
CISP and its partners adopt an integrated approach, based on 3 components:
Improving inclusion, empowerment and connection for young people in the creative sector in Africa and Europe through support to young creative professionals, civil society organisations and other organisations, promoting collaboration, capacity building and exchanges in Kenya, Somalia, Italy and Sweden.
Starting from a mapping of the creative industries in Kenya and Somalia, AXC proposes a technical and entrepreneurial training path to young artists and professionals in the cultural and creative sector, at the end of which the best young creators will be able to benefit from study and work grants in Europe and access, through a competition, to funding for creative projects. Employment, training and funding opportunities are promoted through the creation of a digital platform, the establishment of a cultural hub in Mogadishu together with the partner Somasa and the strengthening of the GoDown cultural centre in Nairobi.
AXC proposes a path of co-creation and intercultural dialogue between Europe and Africa through workshops, artistic productions, multimedia events and cultural festivals.
Capacity building and skills development opportunities for youth and youth-led organisations in the creative sector in East Africa with:
Promote access for young creators in East Africa to professional networks/platforms, job and market opportunities in the creative sector locally and internationally with:
Promoting intercultural dialogue and inclusion through co-production of innovative and high-impact creative events and projects by and for young people in East Africa and Europe: