Young people and local authorities against climate change
The intervention was conceived as an educational programme implemented in formal and non-formal contexts with the objective of encouraging the activation of young people and their direct engagement in dialogue with local and national authorities on the issue of climate change.
The evidence-based education project for students and teachers is integrated into the school curriculum, but also includes extracurricular opportunities for discussion with various local and national stakeholders and participatory peer education activities.
It is a programme that starts at school, but is designed to continue in the community, through local climate marches, the drafting and delivery of a National Youth Manifesto against Climate Change and its dissemination through a petition.
To promote and improve awareness-raising and knowledge acquisition mechanisms and increase spaces for the active participation of young people to fight against climate change and the anthropogenic dynamics that determine its course.
1 Handbook for teachers
1 Handbook for Youth Leaders
460 teachers trained
4000 students provided with an in-depth understanding of climate change
240 young people trained on leadership, channels of participation and communication
40 young participants in the Winter School
2000 young people participating in the online march
30 communication products created by young people to raise awareness about climate change
Output and results
1 Manuale per docenti
1 Manuale per Youth Leaders
460 docenti formati
4000 studenti dotati di comprensione approfondita sul cambiamento climatico
240 giovani formati su leadership, canali di partecipazione e comunicazione
40 giovani partecipanti alla Winter School
2000 giovani partecipanti alla marcia online
30 prodotti di comunicazione creati dai giovani per sensibilizzare sul tema del cambiamento climatico