Social Norm Change Programming and Measurement in Eastern and Southern Africa
Violence is a serious and life-threatening human rights’ violation for many girls, boys and women across all contexts and settings in Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA). Violence against Children (VAC) household surveys that have been completed in 11 countries in ESA region demonstrate the magnitude and severity of the problem that indicate rates of sexual, physical and emotional violence for children and women are among the highest in the world. Gender transformative and social and behavior change strategies are considered a key strategy to effectively address the social, cultural and economic determinants of violence against boys, girls and women at scale (with particular emphasis on addressing harmful social norms and promoting gender transformation).
Within this context, UNICEF ESARO has funded an intervention centred around capacity building and mentoring of government officials, CSOs and university post-graduate students in ESAR countries to identify, implement, and measure effective social norms and behaviour change interventions.
This capacity enhancement of CSOs’ and government workers has been carried out at 2 levels:
To enhance the impact and sustainability of the training, CISP has offered mentorship sessions (in person and online) with trained participants of both types of training.
The project strengthens the capacity of national Civil Society Organisations and government institutions by applying quality social norms change programming and measurement to address harmful practices such as child marriage, female genital mutilation and sexual and gender-based violence.
Building on the experience and gains from the 2022 UNICEF ESARO funded project, in 2023 CISP has undertaken the following activities:
The intervention achieved the following outcomes:
University of Nairobi, ACCAF (The African Coordinating Center for the Abandonment of FGM)