Protection of people with special needs through the improvement of housing, energy, water and sanitation conditions in the federated states of Táchira and Mérida
The project aims to strengthen community spaces and health centres in the areas of Táchira and Mérida (Venezuela) by carrying out actions to improve housing conditions and access to energy. It also aims to improve hygiene and sanitation conditions, both at household and community level, through the distribution of equipment and materials needed for hygiene and access to drinking water, as well as the distribution of goods to the population affected by natural disasters.
At the same time, the project intends to strengthen the population's capacity to promote sustainable solutions for the improvement of hygiene and sanitation conditions, particularly with regard to the proper management of solid waste in communities. This objective is also achieved through the implementation of training and orientation workshops on access to drinking water and the promotion of appropriate hygiene habits, with a focus on hand washing as a measure to prevent COVID-19 infection. In addition, the capacities of communities in terms of disaster risk management are strengthened by promoting the implementation of early warning systems.