Comprehensive care for the Wayú and Añú population
in Zulia State
Protection of people with special needs through the improvement of housing, energy, water and sanitation conditions in the federated states of Táchira and Mérida
Assistance with health, protection and nutrition for children, adolescents and women in vulnerable situations through community brigades and the Comprehensive Care Centre for Children, Girls, Adolesc ...
in health institutions and communities in the state of Tachira
Environmental management and focus on mitigation and adaptation to climate change, for a sustainable and inclusive development in the Federated States of Táchira, Mérida and Trujillo
in Venezuela
Joining technical, administrative and financial efforts between the Victims Unit and CISP to contribute to the reparation of Colombian victims abroad
Community empowerment for the sustainable management of water resources and integral health - Community Action for Water